I am not a fan of Disney. It has taken the idea of commercialism and driven it into the ground in search of oil. From the movies of bad morals, life saving magic and actions without consequence, to the self indulging Magic Kingdoms that miss no opportunity to convince you that a special memory just occurred and you better not forget it, so buy this key chain.
In the middle of all this, is a teenage girl who is willing to sit for 45 minutes only to be awkwardly hugged by kids and adults, sometimes having to coax scared little girls in to posing for a picture they will not remember. Yes this is their job, but to do it time and time again, child after child, special moment after special moment, and not break character, not give up, over and over again is more than a job.
After being hugged for a good 2 minutes by my two year old, this "Belle" sat and talked to my daughter trying to get her to pose with her, even though it was a lost cause. She did not stop, even with a line building behind us and me telling her it was o.k. for her to stop.
This minor hiccup came after a 5 minute conversation with a unintelligible teenager with down-syndrome who would not stop holding her hand and looking into her eyes.
Patience, its the new way to high five.
Despite the commercial trappings I suppose that the Magic Kingdom has unintended consequences. Liked the photo...a lot.
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