Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day 31 11/18/08- Love

These are my cross country racing flats from college. These are shoes which I will never wear again.

I spend most of my days telling people to find what they love and explore the possibilities, yet I spend little time with one of my oldest loves.

I first remember running in 2nd grade. I would Challenge other 8 year old's to races at recess, I do not remember who won, but I do remember running laps by myself when no one would accept my challenge.

I ran in high school because I thought I was good at it and I enjoyed it. In college I became a student of running and fell in love with it. I also learned I was not as good as a thought.

In the last 12 years I have fallen out of practice. Finding excuses and priorities that push running further and further from me, but every once and a while I get a good run in. It is during these runs I cannot imagine my life without running. I cannot believe 30 minutes of sleep or t.v. is better than a run, then two weeks go by and no run. These are shoes are I will never wear again.

Through this "31 visions" journey I fell behind, learned I like to take pictures of the back of people's heads, and found myself post at night and too tired to tell long stories. While I posted multiple pictures in one day, all the pictures were taken on the title dates, except the last. It was a picture I took last fall, but it fit the story.

It was a good journey, one I will continue and revisit.

Day 30 11/17/08- The quiet place

Around the corner from our house is a cul-de-sac. At the end are some bushes up against a fence. We call this place, "the quiet place". We walk there often just to sit and explore. It is no wider then a hallway and no longer then a household kitchen, but to a child it is a world of adventure. Constant fear of monsters and being so far from home are regular topics of discussion. While I notice the trash and the houses, my kids are fixed on the trees, pine cones, and secret spots.

I wonder how off are my childhood memories of the "big tree" behind my grandparents place, or the wild adventures in jungles of Redalnds.

How alone was I really?

Does it even matter?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 29 11/16/08 long trail home

Going on a walk, saw a nice view. I guess it is just a snap shot.

Day 28 11/15/08- Be like you

Smaller siblings want to be like their larger counter parts. They want to wear the others clothing, sit like them, and walk like them. It is very cute. I find it hard to believe that they will ever lose touch or stop talking... I better go call my brother.

Day 27 11/14/08- Jaws

I feel forced to come up with a story. I thought of the picture so I went outside and took it. No reason no story, just an image in my head put to digital memory.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 26 11/13/08- Purpose and Meaning

Purpose and meaning is often found in the simplest and most pure of tasks.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day 25 11/11/08- Let's Take a Walk

How do explain how you love someone? Holding their hand and going for a walk seems to do the trick.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Day 24 11/10/08- Rest

With a camera phone, not safe, but I couldn't resist the shot.

Day 23 11/9/08- Idea

I have an idea, but I forgot why it was important.

Day 22 11/8/08- Faces

I know these people. These people know me. But not really. 6 weeks together and a few emails is enough to know someone, but not really. I look forward to hearing about their successes and will cry about their failures, but may never see some of them again.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 21 11/7/08- Deck

The more I play with my camera the more I realize I need to read the manual.

Day 20 11/6/08- Path

Living in the desert I miss fall, so traveling east in November is always nice.

Day 19- 11/5/08- Traveling

I hate to fly. Not out of fear of death, or hassles by the airline, but the waiting. Rushing to be early to get through security, then waiting. Standing in line to get on the plane to wait.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day 18 11/4/08- Excellent Daddy

My daughter gave me this bracelet. She walked up to me and said, "This is your medal for being an excellent daddy." That is enough for me to never take it off. It keeps me centered on what is important and valuable to me. It reminds me of what which I need to do, and that which I want to do.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Day 17 11/3/08- Big Red Ball to the Head

Yeah that's what I feel like, but I am not laughing as much as this guy.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day 16 11/2/08- Daughters Gift

My daughter in all adorableness picks flowers and brings them inside as gifts. She insists that they get put into water so they do not die and she will replace them if they do.

Besides just appreciating a kind gift from my daughter, these flowers always cause me to slow down and smell the roses. Cliche` I know, but so true. Racing from appointment to activity to project it is easy to forget why we work so hard. I do it so I can appreciate the beauty found in Gods earth and in the love we have for each other. If we move too fast, we can miss all that we work for.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day 15 11/1/08

When you want to get organized you make a list, this one happens to be a grocery list.

I am not an organized person. I try to be, but I am not. I get distracted, I get busy with other things, but my real problem is I adapt to messes I create. This allows me to continue to be disorganized and survive.