Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day 8 10/25/08- Hand of a Warrior

After 2 tours in Vietnam as a gunner, two bronze stars, a marriage to a childhood friend, two careers, and four daughters who are five years apart, what has this hand not accomplished?

With only two years of life, what will this young hand do?

While cliche`, old meeting young is always powerful to me. It is the possibilities versus the reality. Photographs tell a story, but they are never complete. Images that portray beauty ignore the evil of this world, while pictures capturing evil, ignore the gentle spirit within us all.


Rick said...

To quote a great movie, "Yer killin me Smalls." Powerful image made all that more powerful by the words. My favorite so far.

Katie said...

agreed. I cried. Maybe it's because I know that hand so well...

Unknown said...

dude. that's my dad. you might want to chat with me sometime about the reconciliation children's book I wrote about that pair.