Sunday, October 26, 2008

Day 9 10/26/08- My Nemesis

The power of the red pen. It can ruin weekends, take away driving privileges and even end a romance.

I love my job. It is unique, it is empowering, it is full of freedom. As a high school teacher at a small charter school with links to Montessori, to only am I able to focus on learning not information, I am also able to take on responsibilities which I have no business doing. I call that adventure.

However, no matter how great my job is, no matter what amazing things I do, I can never escape grading. Grading is an important part of schooling. It can and most of the time is a clear assessment of a student's learning, but for the teacher it can be shining sign of failure.
Weeks on a project, daily discussion of expectations, a step by step rubric, multiple drafts, and still students find a away to fail. I can say I did all that I could, and it was in their hands, but the thought that I some how am at fault, and if I had done something different they would've passed, will always be there.

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